The YouTube channel of the Be Smart Seniors project has reached 60.000 views today! We would like to say thank you to all of the helpers and volunteers of the project who have helped our efforts and promoted the project.

BE Smart Seniors!
The YouTube channel of the Be Smart Seniors project has reached 60.000 views today! We would like to say thank you to all of the helpers and volunteers of the project who have helped our efforts and promoted the project.
The representatives of Anthropogogik Brändle met the teachers of the Oberschule Eschen (Liechtenstein) who received an introduction about the aims and results of the Be Smart Seniors project and the intergeneration study concept. Also, a small contest was organized for the students of the school to promote the project and to involve them in the teaching of older relatives for IT related skills.
The Andragoški zavod Maribor successfully held two multiplier events on the 9th and 15th of October in Maribor, Slovenia. Keeping in mind the epidemic restrictions the events were held for smaller groups of participants who were adult education providers and representatives of adult education centres from all over Slovenia, who are involved in the education of older adults. The presentations of Irena Urankar and Helena Matavz showed how adult education providers could benefit from the results of the project and the intergeneration study concept.
The Turku University of Applied Sciences successfully held a multiplier event in online form due to the epidemic restrictions on the 6th of October. The participants were geriatric nurses and other field experts, Master school students, and teachers.
The event included the introduction of the BESS project, group work, discussion, and lectures from field experts. The lecturers are currently involved in geriatric research and development and represent the top of their field. The participants were invited to participate in active discussion and group work during the event.
We started the testing of the last intellectual output of the Be Smart Seniors project, the “Leave your digital footprint” teaching material in all the participating countries. The participating organizations will use online and offline forms for the evaluation of the curriculum and for the testing of the intergeneration study concept.
The final version of the “Leave your digital footprint” curriculum is ready in all language versions.
The aim of this intellectual output is to provide a simple guide for the older adults about blog writing, commenting, taking photos so they can share their experiences in the digital world leaving their “footprint” on the internet.
Another milestone has been reached in the implementation of the Be Smart Seniors project: the online platform has been completed, which allows easy access to teaching materials and other project-related services with a user-friendly interface for the target group of the project.
In connection with this, we will start testing the site by involving the target group in all participating countries.
The Be Smart Seniors Project’s Positive Impact Day event was held on July 15, 2020 in Budapest with the participation of more than 50 participants. The event was attended mainly by social care professionals.
According to our original plans, this event would have been held at the end of the project, but due to the coronavirus epidemic, we considered it appropriate to hold the event in the summer for the safety of the participants.
At the event Dr Gábor Simon, representing Corvus Kft., presented the objectives of the project, the achieved results, and the experiences of the curriculum development.
Social care expert Dr Lilla Somodi spoke to the audience about the importance of active aging and of the supportive work of social workers.
The event ended with a roundtable discussion in which participants asked further questions about the results of the project and the possibilities of applying them in daycare service.
The 100th video has been uploaded to the YouTube channel of the Be Smart Seniors project!
One of the aims of the project was to produce educational videos tailored to the needs and learning habits of older adults, which can help them expand their knowledge on topics that can help to solve everyday life matters with the help of online services.
These tutorial videos are produced in several languages on topics that are partly international and partly local. Of these, the one hundredth has been uploaded today.
Of course, with this round number, we haven’t finished producing the videos yet, as we undertook to make more than 140 pieces, but we considered it important to share this undeniable success with those who follow the progress of the project.
The number of video views on the YouTube channel of the Be Smart Seniors project is already over 10,000! We managed to achieve this result in two months! We hoped that our teaching videos will be liked by many, but we did not expect such a spectacular success. Thanks to everyone who watched the completed videos and we hope we can have such celebrations in the future.