Short summary on the results of the Be Smart Seniors (BESS) project’s survey services by adults over 60 years of age in Hungary, Slovenia and Liechtenstein.
The European Union considers the aging of society to be the greatest challenge that all European countries – including Hungary, Slovenia, Liechtenstein – must tackle in the 21st century. Modern online services, info-communication technologies can help older adults to keep in touch with younger generations, maintain their autonomy, improve their lifestyles and create new opportunities, interactive relationships. With the right IT skills, these technologies can become an important tool for maintaining the quality of life and can reduce intergenerational distance (Ageism).
We prepared a survey to investigate the ICT needs and problems of this generation.
The survey presented in this summary serves to justify the project, justify its professional foundation, and prove the validity of the preliminary hypotheses. The survey examines the use of IT tools by older adults, their expectations and learning preferences. The results obtained here are intended to prove the concept of an intergenerational study model and to give guidance and focus to the curriculum development.
Download or read the results of the Hungarian survey »
Download or read the results of the Slovenian survey »
Download or read the results of the Finnish survey »
Download or read the results of the Liechtenstein survey »
The results of the four participating countries summed up in the Being smart seniors study. You can find it here. »
The team of the University of Turku prepared the English version of the “How to teach your grandma” video guide. The purpose of this guide is to summarize in an easy-going cartoon for young people who help their elderly relatives the important information they need to keep in mind when educating an elderly adult. The video guide will also have a printed version and will be translated into the languages of all participating countries.
Tips For Teaching Technology To Seniors
Uploaded by Janos Palinkas on 2019-07-21.
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